Cheltenham Chiropractic Clinic Chiropractor Catherine Owers attends educational elbow and wrist lectures at the Cobalt Centre
On Thursday 27th February our Registered Chiropractor Catherine Owers attended a fascinating talk on Wrist and Elbow assessment at the Cobalt Centre in Cheltenham. Consultant Radiologist Dr Umesh Udeshi gave a very useful talk on analysing the wrist and elbow via MRI scanning, CT and X-ray.
Did you know that Dr Udeshi offers a one stop MRI service on a Saturday morning? This includes a consultation with Dr Udeshi, an MRI tailored to your needs plus a report of findings on the scan results on the same day! See for more details.

One Stop MRI Service with Dr Umeshi Udeshi

MRI scan of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

MRI scan of elbow ligament strain

Elbow anatomy with Dr Umesh Udeshi
Many thanks also to Mr Ewan Bigsby, Consultant Orthopaedic surgeon for a fascinating talk on elbow surgery at the Cobalt Centre last night (Monday 2nd March.) 💪💪💪 It was also a useful update on the research behind conservative care (i.e. Chiropractic!) for multiple elbow and upper limb disorders. It’s always worth trying a course of joint and muscle mobilisation and rehabilitation for any injury as our treatment is much safer than surgery…. If conservative care doesn’t work we can always refer you to a consultant for a second opinion, But surgery should always be a last resort (even the surgeons say this!) Have a look here for more details of Mr Bigsby’s private clinics in Cheltenham and Gloucester:

Mr Ewan Bigsby – Consultant Upper Limb surgeon in Cheltenham and Gloucester

Mr Bigsby’s clinic

a description of Tennis Elbow Treatment with Mr Ewan Bigsby, Cobalt Centre Cheltenham.

Elbow MRI scan