First Visit
What will happen on my first visit?
At Cheltenham Chiropractic Clinic we usually take your case history over the phone, then perform the physical and spinal examination and initial treatment all on your first visit. This is why this appointment lasts for up to one hour. The patient’s right to confidentiality, privacy and dignity is assured. For the examination and treatment phases the patient will be asked to wear comfortable stretchy clothes and the chiropractor will explain their findings and discuss the proposed treatment plan with you before moving on to the treatment phase. This gives the patient an opportunity to ask questions about your situation – each stage is reliant on your informed consent to continue.
If you need an x-ray or a MRI scan before your treatment can begin we can either refer you back to your GP or we can refer you directly to the Cobalt Imaging Centre at Linton House, Thirlestaine Road in Cheltenham for the MRI scan.

Our comfortable reception area
Click here for cobalt imaging centre’s webpage.
As part of the treatment plan the chiropractor will give you some idea as to the type of treatment which is to be used and an indication as to the frequency and number of appointments likely. This treatment plan is constantly reviewed and any changes discussed with you, this is sometimes necessary as not all patients respond as expected.
The number of treatments required does vary dependant on the condition, the length of time the problem has been evident and the age / health of the patient but the average is six. In order to maximise the effect of the treatment the chiropractor may advise on ‘home’ exercises and / or lifestyle changes.